Prof. Dr. Racha Kirakosian
Racha Kirakosian’s work deals with women’s history, text culture and religion in the Middle Ages. Current research topics include Mary Magdalene in late medieval culture and Meister Eckhart’s cognitive theory. She also works on critical medievalism.
Racha Kirakosian is currently a fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin

Dr. Lea Braun
Lea Braun’s research interests combine comparative approaches with historical narratology and cultural theory (intersectional studies, gender studies, theories of space). Her current project concerns time and temporality in medieval literature, more specifically the study of foretellings in Middle High German literature 1170-1220.
Lea Braun is a co-founder of the Forum for Comparative Medieval Studies.

Meret Wüthrich
Meret Wüthrich (she/her) is a postgraduate student and academic assistant in our team. The working title of her dissertation project: Die Bücher der Reuerinnen. Schreib- und Literaturbetrieb im Kloster St. Maria Magdalena in Freiburg i. Br.

Lea von Berg
In the winter semester 2022/23 and the following summer semester, Lea von Berg was an assistant to Prof. Dr. Kirakosian. She is pursuing her doctorate with her and PD Dr. Christian Kühner (History of the Early Modern Period) on the historiography of the Nuremberg Poor Clares in the early 16th century, with a focus on narratological aspects and identity formation processes.
Since May 2024, Lea von Berg has been a project staff member in the Department of Equality, Diversity, and Academic Staff Development at the University of Freiburg, working in the area of postdoc qualification.

Jonas Hermann
Jonas Hermann was the teaching stand-in for Linus Möllenbrink during the summer term 2022.Since summer term 2023, he has been working with us again in Freiburg.

Lisa Himmelsbach
Lisa Himmelsbach has just completed her Master’s degree in German Literature with a thesis on the topic “Ritter, Rüstung und Pferd als transhumanistische Assemblage in der Literatur des Mittelalters?” For her Bachelor’s, she studied German language and literature with a minor in History. Her duties as an assistant include, among other things, formatting texts and conducting literature research.

Philine Armbruster
In her work as a student assistant, she is involved in the redesign of the introductory lecture to medieval studies. In addition, she takes over as tutor for the introductory lecture. Philine Armbruster is studying German and biology in the polyvalent bachelor’s degree program.

Alisa Jung
Alisa Jung has been an assistant to Prof. Kirakosian since winter term 2021/2022 and continues this work in summer term 2024. She completed her bachelor thesis with Prof. Kirakosian on the topic female breast in the legends of martyrs and is now studying German und History in her M. Ed. degree. Alisa Jung is concerned with literature research, compiling bibliographies and formatting texts.
Former members of our team:

Momo Collmer
His activities as a student assistant included, among other things, literature research and the creation of bibliographies. Momo Collmer is studying history and German studies: German literature.

Jessica Müller
Her activities as assistant administrator included working on the website and managing the content on the Chair’s Instagram account. Jessica Schwab studied German and Philosophy/Ethics in her M.Ed. degree.

Dr. Linus Möllenbrink
The research project of Linus Möllenbrink is concerned with gender roles of implied readers in religious literatur of the late Middle Ages. His methodological approach includes historical narratology, reception theory and gender studies.

Pauline Grell
As a research assistant during the winter term 2020/21 and the summer term 2021, Pauline Grell was concerned with literature research, compiling bibliographies and working on the website. She is studying German studies, political science and history in her polyvalent Bachelor’s degree.
During the winter term 2022/23, she acted as tutor for Prof. Kirakosian’s seminar course.

PD Dr. Michael R. Ott
(winter term 2021/22 – summer term 2022)
In his current project, Michael Ott is working together with Dr. Helge Perplies (University of Heidelberg) on the subject of post-romantic perspectives on medieval literature. His main research interests include postcolonial studies, cultural studies, inscription and materiality, as well as prose novels and the history of narratological terms.
Stephan Lauper
(winter term 2021/22)
On September 1st, 2021, Stephan Lauper started his work in Prof. Kirakosian’s team. He was the teaching stand-in for Linus Möllenbrink during the winter term 2021/22.